Monday, October 09, 2006

True MIL Confessions - Edition 6

1. When you were told that we didn’t want anyone at the hospital when our son was born, that included you. When your son called you to let you know my water had broken you asked if he wanted company, he said no. That meant that you should not have shown up at the hospital anyway and tried to come into the room while I was pushing. Also, the nurses were not rude for telling you to leave the room – WE DIDN'T WANT YOU THERE.

2. You call so often and ask the most asinine questions, that now when I see your number on the caller ID, I just don't answer the phone.

3. My MIL is a raw food vegan who is obsessed with organic health food -- to the point that she will not eat, drink or use ANYTHING (toothpaste, shampoo, whatever) that doesn't come from Whole Foods. She came to help out soon after my baby was born. I was having supply problems and a really hard time with breastfeeding so we were supplementing with formula. She constantly told me how she never had any problems breastfeeding any of her children and didn't understand why I was. I could tell the formula really bothered her, but I thought I'd finally gotten it through to her that my son was not getting enough to eat on my milk alone, plain and simple, amen.

One night she encouraged my husband and I to go out for dinner together. Since I was constantly pumping in between feedings in hope of upping my supply, I had a small stash of breastmilk in the fridge. But I knew how much my son ate (HINT: A FUCKING LOT) and told her it might not be enough and to give him formula if he was still hungry.

We rushed home after dinner and the baby was awake and screaming. He was starving. She'd refused to give him the formula.

She let my baby go hungry instead of giving him an ounce or two of goddamned formula. I wanted to throttle her.

The kind of hilarious part was that I'd had some wine and spicy food at dinner and had to pump and dump while my husband gave the baby formula anyway. The kind of awful part is that to this day, anytime she visits with us she STILL pulls the passive-aggressive shit to correct our "mistakes." She sneaks him bottles of water and puts flax seed oil in his milk and deliberately spills baby food on him so I have to give him a bath after she's seen me apply some kind of bug spray or sunscreen that she thinks is going to give him cancer.

For his first birthday next month I'm making him a damned Duncan Hines non-organic chocolate cake with frosting from a can. And then offering her a piece. Blah.


Blogger Minty said...

Almost unbelievable. Such nasty insensitivity.

7:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love Whole Foods. But, I would not impose my beliefs on others. My kids have had Cheetos alongside the marinated tofu. They have worn sunscreen, drank formula, but have also had all organic vegetables.

A great aunt upon seeing me at a family reunion greeted me with, "You are exclusively breastfeeding that baby, right?" instead of "Hello! So good to see you after all these years! What is your baby's name?"

2:29 PM  

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